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7 Reasons of Cats’ Excessive Meowing

Attracting attention

Your cat may just require attention. It may be bored and desires to play game a little. Don’t show any respond to your cat always when it meows. In lieu of that, only pay attention to your cat when your cat calms down. If your cat continues to meow, just walk away from your cat until it calms down. Walking away from your cat must be done for continuing meows. Ensure that you spend sufficient time with your cat each and every day. Playing games with your cat is also a great exercise for your cat’s health.


Meowing is one of the methods of cats for communication and can use it in order to tell you that it is not feeling healthy. Cats are actually good in terms of hiding their disease symptoms. Meowing or making various noises as well as not showing interest in food can be a sign of a illness which requires control. Continuous meowing may mean an overactive thyroid, kidney disease, urinary tract disease, or other disease conditions. If such behavior has newly begun in your cat visiting the vet clinic would be a clever alternative.


Cats typically meow due to 2 reasons: hunger and toilet issues. If your cat’s food bowl is empty, your cat may desire to ensure that you notice this situation. Again, if you continuously give your cat dry food each and every morning and wet food each and every evening, your cat may be meowing with an eye to remind you. Ensure you provide your cat with enough cat food as well as that the food you provide is eaten by your cat. Do not forget to check your cat’s water container also while doing this.


Some changes made in the house, new people or new animals can also lead to stress of your cat. If your cat meows excessively during such changes, you should understand that it means “I don’t like it” or “I don’t feel good about it for your cat”. You should note that must socialize it properly with your cat if another cat comes to your house.


Cats can be experience senility as they get older, exactly like human beings. Your cat may be meowing due to such a condition since senility or mental confusion is common in older cats. Keep the lights open at night if your cat keeps meowing also during the night and is continuously jumping on things. Furthermore, veterinary control can be beneficial for you and your cat for such cases.

Estrous Cycle

Female cats intend to make a great deal of noise during their estrous cycle. The purpose of is to attract the attention of male cats. And male cats, make various sounds if they notice that there is a female cat around them in estrous cycle.


From time to time your cat may meow just for saying “Hello”. It may just be saying “Good morning” or “Welcome” if your cat is meowing on specific occasions such as coming home from work or waking up in the morning. Such meows should be considered to be normal if your cat becomes calmer after caring for it. But there may be another reason for meowing if you observe that such behavior continues to increase.


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