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Emergency Medical Intervention


Domestic animals should be monitored when anesthetized during and after the surgical procedures for safety purposes. Different parameters such as the heart rate, pulse, oxygen uptake, tension and body temperature are assessed during the monitorisation. In our clinic, this procedure is carried out by veterinarians who have expertise in the field of anesthesiology and reanimation.


Oxygen therapy is used as a support for treatment in various conditions including cardiac and pulmonary diseases, during and after the surgery. The pulse oximeter is used as a device in order to determine the level of oxygen in our patients. Furthermore, our clinic offers variety of oxygen support equipment such as an anesthesy device with an automatic ventilator, an intensive care cabinet, oxygen concentrator.

Kan Alma


Blood transfusion is a life-saving method to be used against traumas, accidents, acute and chronic diseases. We perform blood transfusion after determining the blood type of our patients with cross comparing and blood kits. We know that it is of great importance to have sufficient knowledge about the selection of donors, blood collection, transfusion as well as to be aware of possible complications. All of the steps during the blood transfusion process should be handled professionally, which is offered by our staff at Bogazici veterinary polyclinic.

Boğaziçi Veteriner


Boğaziçi Veteriner


Boğaziçi Veteriner



In a healthy body, the volumes and compositions of body fluids must be in a certain balance. This balancing mechanism is called fluid-electrolyte balance. Acid-base balance assessment is required to evaluate and detect metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratoric acidosis and respiratoric alkalosis, which are formed due to various diseases in animals. In our clinic, we quickly measure electrolyte balance with a blood gas device and apply the appropriate treatment procedure to it.


60% of the body consists of water. The liquid in the body is classified as extracellular and intracellular water. The type of liquid that is transfused depends on the specific needs of each patient. Before starting the treatment it is important to control the blood gas electrolytes, assess the level of dehydration. Next, the right amount of liquid should be given with precise speed and temperature. We possess all the necessary equipment for liquid therapy in our clinic.


The intubation technique consists of opening the respiratory tract by the attachment of an appropriate intubation tube to the patient’s trachea during emergencies such as respiratory and cardiac arrest. The patient is connected to a gas anesthesia device with an automatic ventilator after intubation. In this way, the patient is safely oxygenated and ventilated. In emergency situations, oxygen directly goes to the lungs of the patient and ensures that his/her life continues. Particularly in Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Pug, Pekingese; Cats such as Persian (Persian cat) and Himalayan which have a flattened face phenotype. Since the soft palate of these animals are long and the nostrils are small, they often have respiratory problems. Therefore, intubation and anesthesia is performed under the supervision of specialist veterinarians for the safety of our patients.


Thoracocentesis is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that allows the discharge of fluid collected in the thoracic cavity. Thoracocentesis should be performed with the proper equipment and experienced team, with appropriate sterilization and anesthesia, along with ultrasound. Thoracosynthesis should always be done bilaterally unless the patient has unilateral disease. Fluid collection in the thorax can be caused by some respiratory system diseases, autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, acute pancreatitis, digestive system diseases, tumors in the thoracic cavity and heart, and viral diseases such as FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). In our clinic, thoracocentesis is performed under the most favorable conditions, and the character and separation of the effluent are performed quickly.


Ascites, also known as abdominal effusion, is the medical term referring to the buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Ascites can occur due to diseases in the blood vessels, lymphoid tissue, internal organs or abdominal tissue. An excessive fluid that accumulated in the abdomen will put pressure on the diaphragm and thus breathing becomes very challenging for the patients. Ascites; It is most commonly seen in cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, cat infectious peritonitis (FIP) and urinary tract traumas. Additionally, ascites can occur as a result of infections, tumoral cases, and pancreatitis. Abdominosynthesis is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that allows the accumulated fluid to be drained out of the abdomen. This procedure starts by determining the location of the abdominal fluid with the help of ultrasonography and radiography. After the abdominocentesis, the evaluation and examination of the collected fluid are done in our clinic by our expert veterinarians.


Cystocentesis is a veterinary procedure where a needle is placed into the urinary bladder and a sample of urine is removed. This procedure is used for urinary tract problems where urine cannot be taken in normal ways. This process should be guided by ultrasound. In our clinic, all these applications are carried out in the most rigorous and complete manner, the samples taken are processed and evaluated as soon as possible.


The blood pressure is measured either directly or indirectly in cats and dogs. Indirect measurement is less harmful to the patients as it is not invasive. In our clinic, we offer the blood pressure measurements with safe devices with high specificity.

When should blood pressure be measured?

  • If there is a disease with hypertension
  • Routine examinations / Check-ups of elderly patients
  • Those with diseases that can progress with hypertension
  • In emergency patients (shock, trauma, fluid collection in the heart membrane, poisoning, Addison crises, etc.)
  • During the monitoring of intensive care patients
  • When using drugs that affect blood pressure regulation (ACE inhibitor beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, etc.)
  • Preparation of anesthesia or during monitorisation

What affects diseases with high blood pressure?

  • Renal failure
  • Central nervous system disorders
  • Eye diseases
  • Pheochromocytoma
  • Metabolic imbalances
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Diabetes mellitus


Our only target is to furnish the best service for the health of our friends. You can ask all your questions regarding the health of our friends to our physicians and plan your appointment.

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