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Neurological Examination

Neurological Examination

The main purpose of the neurological examination is to determine whether there is a nervous pathological condition in the patient, as well as to determine the localization of the lesion. Evaluation of the findings obtained as a result of a detailed and systematic examination, considering differential diagnosis, is very important in terms of the neurological examination.

In the neurological examination of the patient;

• Evaluation of the mental state
• Behavior control
• Evaluation of the body posture
• Examination of the walk
• Evaluation of postural reactions
• Examination of the cranial nerves
• Spinal reflexes
• Various parameters such as the presence of pain finding are examined.

There are neurological diseases specific to some breeds. These diseases should be considered while neurological examination. Neurological examination is also important in the evaluation of patients with a history of epileptic attack/ crisis conditions.

After the definitive diagnosis, it is one of our main goals to treat our patients with medical and surgical approaches and improve the quality of life.

Our only target is to furnish the best service for the health of our friends. You can ask all your questions regarding the health of our friends to our physicians and plan your appointment.

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