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Safe Anesthesia

Safe Anesthesia

10 principles that we take as a basis in anesthesia for our patients as Boğaziçi animal hospital team:

1.Physical Examination:
We examine our patients carefully before taking them to anesthesia and check whether there is any risk or condition to be considered for the operation.

2. Blood Analysis:
We analyze our patient's liver and kidney function tests, blood sugar and protein levels, blood clotting time and whether there is evidence of anemia in our patient with the tests before the operation and determine our healthiest anesthesia procedure.

3.Race Specific Anesthesia:
We implement special anesthesia programs for different breeds of cats and dogs (e.g Doberman, Greyhounds, Siamese, Maine coons) and some certain breeds (because of certain drug sensitivities and blood clotting problems).

4.Modern Anesthesia Drugs:
Anesthesia drugs used in our polyclinic are most reliable drugs used around the world. Our pet friends will benefit from the developed reliability of modern anesthesia.

5. Advanced Monitoring System
With the modern digital monitöring system, the lives of all our patients are secured during anesthesia. Our pet friend's ECG, respiratory, blood oxygen saturation, pulse, blood pressure and body temperature can be monitored during anesthesia and in the case of any significicant deviations, necessary medical interventions are carried out.

6. Respiratory Tract Intubation
During general anesthesia performed at Boğaziçi veterinary polyclinic, with the help of the tube system applied to the respiratory tract of our patient, necessary precautions are taken for any blockages likely to occur and the necessary artificial respiration can be provided automatically in this way when breathing stops. Thus, the life of the patient is secured.

7.Closed Circuit Anesthesia System (Gas Anesthesia)
Closed-circuit anesthesia system is the most preferred procedure in general anesthesia. Thanks to this system, the life data of our patient can be monitored instantly on the monitor during anesthesia. In this way, it is possible to instantly dose the drug so that we can wake our patient up immediately by stopping the medication. As a result, the patient will be able to wake up from anesthesia in a short time.

8.Serum Supplement
We can keep the kidneys, one of the most affected organs during anesthesia, more active and alive with the liquid supplement. In addition, we can replace the fluid lost in our patient during the operation. During the intravascular catheter operation that we apply for giving serum, there will be a way of giving for many life-saving drugs that need to be given urgently.

9. Body Temperature
Hypothermia, the fall of body temperature, is the most common and most easily overlooked condition during anesthesia. Preserving body temperature is very important and life-saving. For this purpose, we give the serum by warming it and use heating pad during anesthesia at Bogazici veterinary polyclinic. Also, in this process, we can monitor the body temperature of patient on the monitor.

10. Careful Care
Until our patient wakes up from anesthesia, our highly educated and experienced vets are with them and they never leave them alone. One of us will be holding his paw while our patient wakes up.

Our only target is to furnish the best service for the health of our friends. You can ask all your questions regarding the health of our friends to our physicians and plan your appointment.

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